Thursday, January 20, 2011


I love when Valentine's Day rolls around because that means my birthday is here too!!! One week before the love bird holiday. Sadly, I married a man who thinks Valentine's Day, my favorite holiday, is over rated. Come on! I know he loves me, but I want to be one of those girls who gets flowers and chocolate and is wined and dined too. Doesnt every girl??? He's slowly getting the hint :)

Here is my first, of hopefully many, Valentine crafts...

I bought 5 fabric quarters from the fabric store.

I cut them into strips that were an inch thick

I then tied them into knots around the entire foam heart wreath

Here is how it turned out. I like it...but I'm thinking of cutting the ribbon down a bit.

Love the colors. It's the only PINK thing in my "boy-filled" home.


Pillow Covers

I am so proud of myself!!! I have actually completed something on my Wish List!!! Yea me. Today I took a trip to the craft store and bought some fabric. (I need a stash pile and this was the time to start). While I was there I bought the burlap I needed to do the pillows for the bed. I actually took my time this go around and measured out my material and pillows to an exact. I sewed them and printed out the iron on template I found on  This Blessed Nest. I printed the template on iron on paper and ironed them onto the pillows once I was done sewing them. Here is the final outcome!

A little assistance from my Love Bug

Material measured and ready to be sewn

Sewing the material
Final Product! Love it :)


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Ok...Ive done a ton of projecs but havent added anything to my list! Here is my most favorite...

I saw this tutorial on the Mod Podge Facebook site and happened to have the same exact stool that needed a facelift.
I took an old stool, with a slightly chewed on edge from our dog, and gave it a facelift!

First, I gave it a good sanding.
Second, I spraypainted it blue to match the color of paper I had chosed to Mod Podge it with.
I then let my two year old assist in the Mod Podging of the top of the stool.
I chose a piece o scrap paper that fit our liking and I cut it out to match the hole in the top of the stool.

Final it!